Dydžių lentelė

One peace swimsuit

Kaip išmatuoti

Krūtinė: Išmatuokite horizontaliai per labiausiai atsikišusius krūtinės taškus.

Juosmuo: Išmatuokite siauriausią juosmens dalį (dažniausiai tai yra vieta šalia bambos).

Klubai: Išmatuokite klubus per labiausiai atsikišusius taškus.

Atminkite, kad matavimai yra tiksliausi kai matuojama be rūbų arba su labai plonais rūbais.

Atminkite, kad du maudymosi kostiumėlio audinio sluoksniai dydį padaro kiek mažesnį.

Girls swimsuit

How to measure

Bust: Measure around the fullest part of your chest with your arms away from your body.

Waist: Measure around the narrowest part of your waist (usually right around your navel).

Hips: Measure the fullest part of your hips while standing with your feet together.

Remember, measurements are most accurate without clothing so
please remove clothing prior to measuring.

Men swim trunks

How to measure

Waist: Measure around the narrowest part of your waist (usually right around your navel).

Hips: Measure the fullest part of your hips while standing with your feet together.

Remember, measurements are most accurate without clothing so
please remove clothing prior to measuring.


How to measure

Bust: Measure around the fullest part of your chest with your arms away from your body.

Hips: Measure the fullest part of your hips while standing with your feet together.

Remember, measurements are most accurate without clothing so
please remove clothing prior to measuring.

For all questions please contact us by email: info@underw.eu